Tag Archives: ups


Oh, the microphone saga. It is a painful one.
I got a microphone for Christmas. I ordered it Christmas Day. It arrived January 2, the day I left for college, so I missed it. My mom sent the package up to school, and when I got it, it was broken. There was a big to-do about whose fault it was, but in the end, we were reciprocated by UPS for almost all of it. And it only took nearly three months. Long story short, there is another microphone that will be waiting for me when I return to school from Spring Break. Guess what that means for you, dear people? BETTER QUALITY MUSIC AND WHATNOT! Now if I only had something to record… MENTAL CONSTIPATION!!!!

constipated(and can I please just say that when I searched for “mental constipation” on google images, I got two pictures of Jesus before I got this?)